Monday, January 17, 2011

From the Lawton Constitution on 01/12/2011, Page 1D

Regarding the General Employee's recently-agreed-to contract with the City of Lawton:

"...The new contract for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 (which ends June 30) specifies a 1-percent increase in retirement contributions, meaning 6.3-percent for employees and 10-percent for the city, effective June 27, 2010. In addition, the union agreed employees hired on or after June 30, 2011, will have their retirement benefits calculated on a career average (the average of all years of service), rather than the system now used (three highest years’ average in the last five years). The city’s Pension Trust board had recommended. In addition, general employees will receive a 3-percent pay raise, effective Dec. 27, 2010, and another 2 percent pay raise on June 27, 2011, news employees at Tuesday’s meeting greeted with delight. General employees haven’t had a pay raise since March 2008, city administrators said."

Again, pending an agreement to terms beforehand, your Union and the City will go to Arbitration on January 25th and 26th over their respective Last Best Offers. As is the norm, money is the sticking point this year. We are asking for 2% across the board effective 01/01/2011 and another 2.5% step increase, step "K", effective 06/30/2011. 

The Arbitrator has been picked, the dates are set, admission is FREE. Your support is needed. All members should make an effort to attend the Arbitration hearings.


"It is not the employer that pays wages - he only handles the money. It is the product that pays wages."
                                                                                                                                            - Henry Ford

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